I found growing Sugar snap peas to be 1 of the easiest to grow. I 1st planted the seeds in Mid-May and about 10 days later they were starting to sprout little plants. Always plant pea seed or row of seeds next to a wired fencing or bury some strong thick straight branches or even old lumber straight up and down inbetween a few areas along the row(s) where the peas will grow up from and use regular twine or string to make your own growing ladder(sort of speak) for the peas to grow up(make sure when you wrap the twine/string that each row is tight as these plants get very tall and when the peas start to form the vines get heavy. I've had to keep adding on to mine because I did not make my growing ladder tall enough(my pea plants are now over 7 feet tall getting close to 8 feet with 100's of pods ready to be picked and eaten). The only thing other then a nice sunny area to grow is that they need plenty of water so what I do is if it doesn't rain for a day I'll give them a good watering(just enough to give the roots a good drink). Also don't worry as they grow how thin the bottom of the vine is and how much thicker the rest of the vines are higher up because they have what you can call grabbers(little feelers that grow out from the vines) that grab onto fencing or anything they can to support the plants hieght and keep it growing upwards climbing your fencing a stringed up sections. I'll post a picture and hopefully it comes out clear enough, if not I'll take another and post it for you. In this picture if you look to the far right hand side you can see my pea plants and if you look closely you can see where I've had to keep adding more pieces onto my make shift fencing to keep up with how tall they grew. Also in the picture you can see 4 yellow stakes(leg end pieces from some old metal shelving I had) with twine wrapped through it, thats my regular peas that don't get as tall as the sugar snap peas. Every white flower you can see turns into a pea pod eventually.
Thanks for the advice and the blog. This is gonna help me our this year.