Friday, August 21, 2009

Growing Peppers

Growing peppers is so easy. I have alot of varieties of peppers in my garden because we have different tastes in my house. I'm growing little red hot cherry, sweet yellow banana, yellow bell, red bell, green bell, orange bell, jalopeno, mucho(this is a new one for me), and some other vareties of hot peppers. I planted some at the end of May this year and planted some at the end of June and 1 week in July. All the plants seemed to have bloomed at the same time even with me planting them so far apart. I experimented with a few of the plants and what I did was any leaves that where growing out and had a bud growing right at the leaf's stem and the plant's main shaft, I pinched the leaves off so the bud got all the nutrients to help them grow better. This made them look almost like twigs with a few buds and leaves but after a few weeks they started producing peppers. All the others I let them grow without pinching the leaves and they seemed to do very well also. Once the leaves turn yellow you can pull them off so it's just the nice green leaves and buds showing because once thier yellow thier dead and don't need any more nutrients(this will help the other leaves and buds grow alot faster). I experimented doing that also and found all the ones I pinched the leaves off of that were turning yellow have bloomed alot more peppers then the ones I just left the leaves to naturally fall off of. Something else I did this year too was all the extra pepper plants I had I put them in my wifes flower gardens in half barrell planters and thier doing very well and look good when placed right throughout the flower garden(I planted them in 3 colours for a nicer appearance amongst her flowers, I put and orange peppers and the colours really stand out nice and she really likes the look of them). Again once I get my camera back I'll post a picture of the peppers in the main garden and the ones in my wife's flower garden.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reading. Nice idea to put peppers in with a flower garden. They are a nice short plant afterall.
